Among my other hobbies, I frequent a horsey board, and last week this poor little creature stumbled into the care of Sunkist Acres in Summerville GA -
*Warning, unbelievable cruelty*
Nick-named "Mr American Beau Jingles" this little scrap of hair and fur was four years old.
OK, I had a wild hair about this... combining a non rev meet up with a good cause.
Sunkist Acres also runs a thrift shop to raise money, and I was thinking we could set up a date and either meet up in Chattanooga (it's 50 miles from Summerville) or even at a push ATL (160 miles) - the thing is, as non revs we're allowed the standard luggage at no charge - plus our carry ons. What if we had our meet up, and everyone picked up a pair of cases and filled them with stuff to donate to the thrift store? Everything sells there, from cloths to brick a brack, and even if only say 5 people showed up, that's 500 pounds worth of 'stuff'. More if you bring a 'disposable' carry on...
If there's any interest, we'll pick a date (mid week - the airliners weekend!) and either I'll arange for someone from the rescue to meet us, or possibly rent a car to go...
Anyone game?