It’s true you can find anything on the web and just like airlines, hotels and coffee shops - oceans and continents are getting reviewed (Google Maps) and some of those reviews are pretty funny.
North America: 4 Stars “A great continent that would merit five stars if only the inhabitants played cricket.”
Pacific Ocean: 5 stars “ Don't listen to the haters. The Pacific Ocean is where it's at. It's the biggest ocean, so it's a lot easier and more convenient to get to than all the others, which have much worse locations. It's got a great temperature when compared to the other oceans, and it's got some great waves. Plus it has Hawaii, Japan and Australia! 10/10 Would highly recommend!
So world travelers, how many stars would you give North/South America, Europe? How would you compare the Pacific/Atlantic/Indian/Artic Oceans? (BTW, at the moment the Indian Ocean is out front with a 4 star rating). For the record, I rate the Pacific Ocean 5 stars, besides “great waves” it has beautiful beaches, passing whales and it is super convenient, I go right pass it almost every day. *wink*