In 2002 Chris (nonrev1) launched The - The site was an outgrowth of Chris’s previous nonrev website - which is why a number of us have a May/June 2002 join date.
To mark this milestone, I thought we’d take a lookback at 20+ years of Forum conversations about the importance of having a plan B, C, D… and how anything from a leaky terminal ceiling to a mouse playing “hide and seek” can lay waste to your best laid plans.
And then there were the discussions about airline dress codes - things have changed a lot in 20+years. Back in the day non-revs were to act and dress like a “guest”, and you “dressed to fly”. AT AA the dress code for F meant no Demin (Demin was C only) no athletic shoes, men had to wear a tie – AND the code was strictly enforced.
Through the years dress codes were relaxed (some carriers more than others) and around 2016/17 AA announced: “As long as your clothing is neat and clean and doesn’t offend or distract, you’re good to fly in any class” – talk about a sea change - of course there’s a back story but that doesn’t matter – the important thing is after the shift, I was no longer the best dressed person in C. I will add that two “rules” that have stayed consistent through the years, is the importance of wearing a pair of shoes you can run in and carrying luggage you can move… quickly.
In twenty years, the Forum has had some heated debates, mostly about food. There was the great pizza debate - deep dish vs thin crust
The great donut debate - Krispy Kreme vs Tim Horton’s
The great hamburger debate - IN-N-OUT Burger vs the world. In-N-Out burgers were victorious and would have probably been the popular choice in the later “Great Airport Eats” discussion thread, but was disqualified because In-N-OUT isn't in airports.Now to be fair through the years IN-N-Out’s best burger reign has been challenged, there was talk about “Five Guys” hamburgers, the burgers at the “Vortex” and the ‘Tilted Kilt’ both in ATL and a really good- really expensive Kobe beef burger at the “Le Burger Brasserie-Sports Grille” at the Paris Hotel in Vegas, plus D2 posted about the egg burgers at “Fatburger” and a pineapple/egg burger in BNE. I don’t know D2…” pineapples on burgers”, maybe I’ll try it if there’s BBQ sauce. At any rate to date IN-N-Out burgers remain the popular choice in the Forum.
Also I want to take this opportunity to thank Donna for her recommendation of the El Barrio Cafe PHX/T4; although the reason I was in the El Barrio in the first place was because the moving walkway at PHX was broken and I missed my connection.
So let’s raise a glass to two decades of trip reports, to twenty years of reviews of great places to visit and the places one can skip. A toast to those that answer load requests, and the “foodies” who clued us in to that “great little place round the corner”. A toast to those that steered us to that great hotel with airline rates, a refundable deposit AND a complimentary breakfast for guests. A toast to those that keep us updated on the latest airline/airport news and lastly a toast to those that just make us smile.
A toast to one and all!
Two of my all-time favorite threads: T3Lee’s - Trip Report - BKK 28 Jan - 06 Feb 2017 and
JayAlexandra’s New to non-rev travel and now registered companion on AA--a few questions! I liked this thread because of all the great info, and that Jay came back and told us what happened - and a lot happened.