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Thread: Savory Food/Snacks In or Near The Airport

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  1. #1
    Administrator Migflanker's Avatar
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    Thumbs up Savory Food/Snacks In or Near The Airport

    This "food & snack" thread grew out of a discussion about DL Sky Clubs, if you're wondering how a thread could drift so far afield - it's an old familiar story -very high winds and someone brought up food

    LAX - IN-N-Out Burger - There's one very close, 92nd & Sepulveda (north) of the airport - you can walk there and back, maybe two miles total. There's also a small park across the street a great place for plane spotting. If walking give yourself a 2/3 hour window, if you Uber 2 hours should do it.
    Keep'em Flying

    Migflanker - Senior NonRev Correspondent - Los Angeles

  • #2
    NonRev Correspondent
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    Nov 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by Migflanker View Post
    This "food & snack" thread grew out of a discussion about DL Sky Clubs, if you're wondering how a thread could drift so far afield - it's an old familiar story -very high winds and someone brought up food

    LAX - IN-N-Out Burger - There's one very close, 92nd & Sepulveda (north) of the airport - you can walk there and back, maybe two miles total. There's also a small park across the street a great place for plane spotting. If walking give yourself a 2/3 hour window, if you Uber 2 hours should do it.
    Here's the problem. The turn time for that Westchester location to get a burger is sloooooooowwww.
    ddagencylv - Senior NonRev Correspondent - Global Aviation News

  • #3
    Administrator Migflanker's Avatar
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    Cool That's what it's all about!

    Quote Originally Posted by ddagencylv View Post
    Here's the problem. The turn time for that Westchester location to get a burger is sloooooooowwww.
    Yeah, that location does draw a crowd, but that's what happens when a place sells a very very good burger.
    Keep'em Flying

    Migflanker - Senior NonRev Correspondent - Los Angeles

  • #4
    Administrator Migflanker's Avatar
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    ORD - Giordano's deep dish pizza Rosemont/O'Hare (around 7 minutes -uber)
    For those of you who are only familiar with NY style thin crust pizza - Chicago's deep dish pizza has more of a buttery crust and because the crust is angled up it's deeper - there are layers and layers of cheese, pepperoni etc., of goodness Chicago style pizza is usually eaten with with a fork - it's a meal,
    BTW, Giordano' pizza takes about 45 minutes from order to table, so if you're connecting, budget your time wisely. Also I have to add that Giordano's pizza is a great Chicago souvenir, 24-hour notice and your frozen pizza is packed up and ready to go (good for a 4/5 hour flight). I've done it a few times - just don't forget it under your seat.
    Keep'em Flying

    Migflanker - Senior NonRev Correspondent - Los Angeles

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    vulindlela (18-Apr-2023)

  • #5
    NonRev Correspondent vulindlela's Avatar
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    The place I will hit every time in LA is Dinah's.
    It's a greasy spoon, but they have good fried chicken and good breakfast.
    No matter what time of the day we go, I always order the German pancake.
    Been eating here since the 70s.

    The Big Lebowski and some other movies have been filmed there.

    6521 S Sepulveda Blvd
    Online Menu for Dinah's Family Restaurant - 6521 S Sepulveda Blvd., Los Angeles, CA | Tel: (310) 645-0456 (American Diners Fried Chicken)
    Vulindlela - Senior NonRev Correspondent - Indianapolis

  • #6
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    Default Giordanos Pizza

    There is NOTHING like a deep dish pizza from Chicago. Nothing and I mean NOTHING tastes better than a pizza from Giordanos.
    Last edited by Migflanker; 16-Oct-2023 at 10:58 AM.

  • #7
    NonRev Correspondent vulindlela's Avatar
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    I do like Giordano's! Our closest location is still over 30 minutes away.
    They just opened a Lou Malnati's down the street from us and I liked it but I like Giordano's much more.
    Vulindlela - Senior NonRev Correspondent - Indianapolis

  • #8
    Administrator Migflanker's Avatar
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    Oh yeah, Dinah's with the huge bucket sign on Sepulveda - GREAT fried chicken dinner. I heard something about redevelopment in the area but don't know details, I do know that Dinah's been in that location for years, and will not be moved.
    Keep'em Flying

    Migflanker - Senior NonRev Correspondent - Los Angeles

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