I've been watching this and just saw the last rescue worker leave the mine. Two things I noticed. A. He took a bag of rocks with him. I guess he understood the historical significance of the moment. I'm sure the miners did too. Kind of like reminded me of scooping up IWO JIMA sand back in 1995, 50th anniversary of that battle, but there were no cameras for me, nor a President waiting to greet me on board ship. B. He didn't turn out the lights. This whole rescue thing was excellent. Imagine how it must have felt going through this hole that was drilled, not knowing if the ground could give at any moment? Of this whole rescue thing, what aggrivated me the most was this. "CHEE CHEE CHEE.....LE..LE...LE" Every time a miner came out or whatever, they gave this lame soccer chant. Ok, maybe the first time or two was good but it was just getting under my skin. (But this aint about ME anyway). Considering too that they had alot of help from U.S. engineers, drillers, machinery, and NASA engineered capsule. Looks like possible good money making opportunities. 10,000 tycoon offer to each miner, which isn't really much compensation for being in the hole and almost left for dead for 70 days. But here is where they may make out. 400,000 possible television interviews. Endorsements, book deals, and job offers. I hope they all make it good. What amazes me about Latin America is the religous will and faith. Constant praying and lighting candles. Somebody upstairs heard their families that didn't give up hope. The President seemed quite a politician. I noticed he took an opportunity to boost up his popularity polls, and he can really talk that politics good.