I read today on MSNBC that CUENCA, Ecuador was considered a top retirement destination. Of course they change it around from time to time. For a while it was BOQUETE, Panama, but seems like Cuenca is the featured one going now. About a year ago, I talked to a lady going through Houston trying to find her luggage as I was waiting for mine after not making a flight to Belize. She was retired and living in Cuenca. She told me she couldn't wait to get back there and really liked living there. I got her email address and she told me if we were to ever visit Cuenca, to give her a call. I was going to shoot her down that link I just read but darned if I never saved her email address in my computer, so its lost now. She said her husband was a retired UAL pilot.

Gonna have to make a trip there sometime to check it out.