Wow, never had that issue while I was on ships. We had great crews, trained, great repair faciliities. Can you say PEEEE UUUUUUUU as the Carnival Triumph pulls into MOBILE BAY? I can swear I see brown streeks rolling down the side of the white hulled ship, and why not? Angry asses on the side of the railings and let her rip. Get even for the heartache. Ok, Mobile Alabama shipdock workers. You wanted more job security, here it goes. Bags and bags full of it. But here is what's gonna happen. It will be the poor Filipino crew on board, that carries the brunt of all this stink. The Americans unionized dockworkers will all get on board the vessel with their hard hats, bio equipment, masks, resperators, and boots, gloves, with all kinds of fancy expensive gear, do alot of talking and nothing getting accomplished as usual. Pass the buck. And demand the big bucks. And in the end, it will probably be the cheap labor crew members on board that do all the scrubbing and cleaning. There is some truth to when they say "SHIT ROLLS DOWNHILL". And in the mean time. I am glad I am not downwind of that ship pulling into Mobile Bay today.