Poor choice of words: Cool is not my fave right now. Waiting for water damage assessment/contractor shortly. My wonderful plumber came over in about an hour to fix the frozen/burst pipes--took about 5 hours and his price was decent! Of course, Boss is nice and warm at JFK getting ready to fly FRA rotation--back to backs! It's all on me to make it happen.
PS--Bengals game was typical for them--get the fans cranked, then blow it so badly. At least I'm not a Lions Fan! AND no chance of playing at the Sourdough Bowl...
mrs767er - NonRev Correspondent - Specialty Travel
Wherever you go, there you are
Wow! I had the same thing today. My neighbor called me and said "DD, are you washing because your pissing water down your driveway". Got home and it was a clean break by the weld on the copper cold water pipe. Plumber came within a hour. Shut off the water , I lost 2 1/2 gallons per min. There goes my water bill...
ddagency........Did you forget to turn on the faucets overnight, letting it drip? It's the pressure that makes the pipes burst. I made sure to open ours up. Had some 10 hours of hard freeze that night. No probs.
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