Delta Airlines, which serves DLH with flights to DTW and the MSP, announced Monday some upgrades to its Duluth service. It will upgrade its 5:30 a.m. daily flight from Duluth to the Twin Cities from a

CRJ-200 to CRJ-700 and Embraer E-175 with economy and first-class cabin seating.

“A lot of the airlines in the industry are upgrading their flights from regional jets and integrating newer aircraft into their fleets,” Werner said. “What’s really cool about them is they’re getting away from compact 50-seaters. They’re bringing back first-class cabin seating.”
While it’s part of the airlines’ normal cycle of replacing older passenger planes, it benefits Duluth by offering 12 of the 76 seats as first class, he said.
“That’s extremely important for our business travelers,” he said.
Delta also will add an additional flight, using a CRJ-900 jet, on higher volume days such as the days around Grandma’s Marathon.