I was wondering if anyone has any travel suggestions for me...
Here's the deal: Last year we were able to go to Jamaica just before Christmas--December 16-22. (7 of us, all family, all traveling on my DOH). This year that won't be possible due to my kids' college schedules--they'll be in school through friday, December 21. I know from experience we won't make it anywhere in the Caribbean once winter break starts (remember...there will be 7 of us again).
We'd like to travel somewhere over Christmas break, beginning December 21 through end of December. Preferably someplace warm (we live in Minnesota), but lack of warm weather isn't a deal-breaker. We've been to Amsterdam, London, and Paris, but are not averse to other European destinations...but it'd probably be our "plan B".
Anybody know from experience where we might have success non-revving at that time of year? Australia? Japan? Singapore? Beijing? South America?
Wide open to any knowledgeable advice, and thanks for any suggestions you may be able to provide.