I've been thinking (always dangerous for me)
...and I've been talking to my International connects (pax) about how their flights were, how crowded, timely, etc.
...and the consensus has been, "VERY FEW, IF ANY EMPTY SEATS, esp on the Transatlantic flights, particualrly bad returning to the US!"
So, in light of this thread:
<a href="http://nonrev.net/eve/forums?a=tpc&s=93260999&f=821601221&m=5476078785" target="_blank">http://nonrev.net/eve/forums?a=tpc&s=93260...21&m=5476078785</A>
...plus the procedure (at least for me w/my company) of getting a fare quote...then the 7-10 day process of obtaining ZED or ID90 tickets..
I find the MAJOR obstacle for me is going to be calling the Non-Rev desk at the OAL and listing. I don't feel comfortable asking the Res agent question after question about "How does this flight look?, How does this day look? ETC!
My questions is: Are there enough of us here, employed by various companies...where we could pose the question, something like?
"I/my family plan to travel to "???" ...during "such and such time period" ...ARE there any days/flights that look better/more doable than others?"
No proprietary info, no specific numbers....just some good reliable general information to facilitate the listing conversation?