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Thread: Chocolates -- who to give them to?

  1. #11
    NonRev Correspondent vulindlela's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Nick View Post
    Not so much in the US as in Australia and Asia where wearing your badge or telling anyone you work for the airline is considered sacrilegious. In the US it seemed that everyone liked to wear their badges and/or company material and/or uniforms etc. and that was totally acceptable...
    My badge stays in my pocket.........
    Vulindlela - Senior NonRev Correspondent - Indianapolis

  • #12
    Join Date
    Mar 2009
    Brussels, Belgium
    It's one of those things you need to know WHEN to do.

    As this topic has clearly shown, its a definite NO GO in some cultures (some even immediately think they will be poisoned), whereas at other airlines it bumps you up to First class.

    My personal experience is that it doesn't help you at all on non-"Latin" airlines, and it helps you greatly on "Latin" airlines, Latin also including the European airlines like Iberia, Alitalia, Air France or Brussels Airlines... ;-)

  • #13
    Junior Member
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    Default Magazines/books

    I usually save current magazines or books I have just finished. It has helped me out a bunch and better on the hips

  • #14
    Top Member spongebue's Avatar
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    Hah, I'm going through OO training right now, and we learned how to onload pax from the waitlist. The instructor did say that sometimes you'll get offers and stuff from the nonrevs (I'm going to Starbucks, do you need anything?) even though it doesn't really change anything. Personally, I do it for the karma, and to thank them for the help in tricky situations.

    Oh, and I think y'all would like to know that we did get a few words about nonrev karma... putting them in an exit row seat when possible, or the best seat available at the time
    Spongebue - NonRev Correspondent - U.S./Midwest Region

  • #15
    NonRev Correspondent Nick's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by spongebue View Post
    Oh, and I think y'all would like to know that we did get a few words about nonrev karma... putting them in an exit row seat when possible, or the best seat available at the time
    I'm glad they mentioned that. 90% of the time people are really friendly and helpful, and offer the best seat available. Then you have the others who place you in the row behind the exit, even though 2 of those exit seats remain vacant. I mean I can move later.... but come on!
    Nick - NonRev Correspondent - Singapore

    Home is wherever I happen to be

  • #16
    Top Member spongebue's Avatar
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    Well, in all fairness, my instructor's family is very much in the industry, and he nonrevs a lot, but still... the tradition lives
    Spongebue - NonRev Correspondent - U.S./Midwest Region

  • #17
    Top Member
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    Sep 2003
    I'm with Flasher on this one. End up looking more like a smooge. (Brown noser) If this backfires, the chocolates may end up melting not in your hands but rather, where the light don't shine. FLASHER......If you ever make it to San Francisco, I recommend SIERRA NEVADA PALE ALE. I tell you, three of those and it really kicks in. Pretty heavy stuff. Just got back yesterday. Great trip. Made it to Yosemite. Great little ride, pretty trecherous driving up through winding roads and hate to see what happens if you miss your curb by going too fast. Long drop to put it bluntly. Fresno was neat. Lots of incredilbe fruits and oranges, all organic.

  • #18
    Member flassher's Avatar
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    G'day 29palms...was hoping you might comment being in MX.....

    Was in a bar on Fishermans Wharf last year that had a huge amount of different beers that i did my best to sample...good chance I might have tried it, if not it's on my list for my next trip to the place. Cheers.

  • #19
    Junior Member
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    When i first started in this industry i would always lanyard my badge around my neck when i would travel non-rev. Now days I just shove it in my pocket and only show it to TSA and gate agents to get my seat asignment. Just not worth the hastle of hearing passangers ask where (fill in the blank) while I'm off the clock.

  • #20
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    I don't sport anything around, and I don't expect anything from gate agents or flight attendants whenever I travel. I just accept what is given. The least they know I'm a non rev the better. It's old hat to me now, don't need first class for only a few hours trip. They help in the long flights but not willing to kiss butt to get it. I'm just not the butt kissin type.

  • >

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