I was going to post this introduction in "my profile", but there wasn't enough room, so I decided to start my own thread.![]()
Hopefully it wll give you guidance in writing your own forum profile, or, at least provide a "comfortable/relaxed" place for new members to introduce themselves to the forum.![]()
About me--
I am a dynamic individual with a range of interests. I enjoy aviation, traveling, photography and gadgets. I have written award winning operas (oh yeah!), correctly guessed the number of hard-boiled eggs in a jar at the LA County Fair and once defended a small village in the Amazon basin from a horde of ferocious ants with only a hoe and a glass of water. -Trip report to follow-
I have perfect pitch. I am an abstract artist, a plastic container analyst and a ruthless bid whist player.
I am an expert in Conga line dancing and have particpated in both the California and Illinois Conga Line Dance Tournaments. I can pilot unicycles up severe inclines with unflagging speed and can bake 30 minute brownies in nineteen minutes. In my leisure time I like to build gazebos in my backyard ( I use recycled wood) and I enjoy urban hang-gliding and full-contact shadow karate.
I once read Paradise Lost, the Da Vinci Code and Moby Dick in one day and still had time to refurbish an entire dining room set before dinner. Last summer I toured the Midwest with a traveling centrifugal-force demonstration. Children love me, tree frogs and squirrels fear me and my garden has earned me fame in international botany circles.
I can hurl a tennis ball at small moving objects with deadly accuracy at 300 yards.
Years ago I discovered the secret of life but forgot to write it down. I have made extraordinary four course meals using only jelly beans, tofu and a microwave and have played Hamlet, Lady Macbeth and Little Orphan Annie on stage (Hamlet & Annie in the same production) and "passenger #3" in a made for TV movie. I have performed emergency brain surgery on a yacht (in a hurricane) and I have spoken to Elvis.
Presently I am the LA correspondent in the forum.
Now lets hear about you.
--Edited because technically "sugery" is not a word.--