Welcome aboard Ant, glad to hear you're enjoying the 'Things I've learned from the movies' thread.
Still more things I learned from the movies--
Tips for guards and all Legion of Doom Members.
1. Before performing guard duty, familiarize yourself with the sound of a tossed pebble, and learn to avoid being distracted by it.
2. When performing guard duty, do not stare continually in one direction, take a minute now and then to just look around.
3. And while pulling guard duty, if someone shows up with a prisoner transfer or maintenance job, and you don't know about it, arrest them on the spot.
4. Get plenty of firearms practice, and shoot AT the hero, not at the ground around him/her; kicking up lots of dirt may look cool, but it won't stop the Hero.
5. Don't attack the hero alone or in pairs. The Evil Overlord hired a milliion of you for a reason.
6. Learn how to lead from the rear and command from afar, just like the Evil Overloard does.
7. Remember that if the Hero and/or his comrades are being "purposefully allowed to escape", there is no need for you to ge killed in your efforts to "prevent" the escape.
8. If a prisoner suddenly takes ill, notify the Evil Overload and await instructions. Do not, under any circumstances, go into the cell to examine him/her yourself.
9. If you're on patrol and your partner mysterioulsy disappears, call for backup before you go look for them.
10. If the Evil Overload orders you to kill some prisoners and then departs for business elsewhere, leave as quickly at possible: there is about to be a "successful" rescue attempt.
11. Practice your "accidental" sword/gun dropping technique. It's the only thing that can save you when the Hero is winning.
12. If the Hero gives you a chance to surrender, of flee, take it.
13. Learn where the trap door is in the Evil Overlord's audience chamber. Avoid standing there, especially when bad news is brought to the Evil overlord.
14. As soon as the Evil Overlord has the Hero in his power, seek the nearest availabe escape route. The XXX is about to hit the windmill.[/list]
Keep'em flying