Aviation Quiz 11-Advertisements
I'll post an airline advertisment, minus the carrier's name and logo (of course) and you have to identify the airline. (really very simple)
These are the actual print advertisements, so read the ads carefully, there are plenty of clues. As with the "F/A uniform quiz", a new ad will be posted only when the previous ad has been correctly identified. So start deciphering; after all, these are airline ads; you wouldn't want to be stuck on "Question #1" for weeks.
I would like to thank Mr. Sergio Ortega for use of his advertisments, he did all the work, all I did was copy, and yes he knows...I borrowed his pencil.
Edited to add
As with all "Off Topic" quizzes, a detailed explanation of quiz rules is available by sending Mrs. Field's chocolate chips cookies (with walnuts) to Migflanker at LAX. Inquiries will be answered within 6 to 8 weeks and are not valid in The Emerald City, Atlantis, or Frostbite Falls, Minnesota....no mailboxes.![]()
Ad 1
This ad was published in a 1980 issue of Newsweek.[/list]
Lets see some answers
Keep'em flying