6. The Shawshank Redemption. (He fixed the warden good didn't he?)
8. Da Vinci Code
9. Saving Private Ryan
10. JAWS
11, Sleep wit da fishes Sonny. Sleep wit da fishes. (The Godfather)
6. The Shawshank Redemption. (He fixed the warden good didn't he?)
8. Da Vinci Code
9. Saving Private Ryan
10. JAWS
11, Sleep wit da fishes Sonny. Sleep wit da fishes. (The Godfather)
Palms you've successfully deciphered the final six summaries - score 6/14.
So that's the game. Hope you had fun.
The final results
Movie Quiz-2
1- The unsinkable happens. -Titanic
2- Stomach bug spreads rapidly. -Alien
3- Cyborg has Austrian accent. -Termintor
4- Boat has skeleton crew. -Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl
5- Big fat green wedding -Shrek
6- Raquel hides escape route. -Shawshank Redemption ( a really great film, a prison film about fear, hope and justice- kinda)
7- Deluded space toy befriends cowboy. -Toy Story
8- Louvre murder uncovers code -DaVinci Code
9- Grandpa remembers Normandy saviors. -Saving Private Ryan
10- Amity's natural born killer. -Jaws
11- Toll charges kill Sonny. -The Godfather
12- Wants birdie, gets Bogie. -The Maltese Falcon
Spongebue, photo of "The birdie & the Bogie" http://i102.photobucket.com/albums/m104/Mo...ltesefalcon.jpg
13- The Emperors hike back. -March of the Penguins
14- Museum of living history. -Night At The Museum
Hope you had fun.
The plot reviews - the clever four word ones-, were courtesy of Four Word Film Review
Keep'em Flying
Migflanker - Senior NonRev Correspondent - Los Angeles
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