Aviation Quiz 28 - A Golden Oldie
This is the 2012 edition of a situational /personality type quiz/survey that was conducted here in the Forum first in 2005 and again in 2008.
This 2012 edition asks the same questions (there has been some minor tweaking) as the other editions with an additional two questions, just to keep things interesting.
So lets see how you stack up against pervious groups and a control group of non-revs that answered questions while watching a beach volleyball game.
BTW, if you’re one the Forum’s veteran members that have taken this survey before, do it again, one more chance to get a perfect score LOL!
1---You've been bumped off the last flight of the day by a late arriving co-worker. You suspect some devious tactics were employed. (and no I don't know what tactics, I'm describing a hypothetical situation) Weeks later as luck would have it, he/she walks right pass you, you turn to him/her and....
A---Shake your head at how unfair life can be, but later go to the library and get a book on curses, just in case there's a next time.
B---Tell him you want to learn from the master and would love to learn how to manipulate the system.
C---Execute a quick blow to the nose, followed by a foot stomp to the toes...hey you always wanted to do that, besides this is a hypothetical situation.
D---Demand an explanation for his actions, then excute a quick blow to the nose, followed by a foot stomp to the toes --don't you just love hypothetical situations?
2---You go to a restaurant for dinner, you have an entree and a main course, now it's time for dessert, what do you have?
B---I order anything that has the word chocolate in it?
D---I eat the sugar bowl
E--Nothing was mentioned about a beverage, I always have a few drinks with dinner.
3---Dracula is to sunlight as non-revs are to...
B---computers (company websites)
D---Little Ashley (age 4) singing the ABC song 17 times in a row.
4---Alright a little honesty here, which phrase describes your fashion style?
A---Jeans and khakis
B---Anything black
C---Wrinkled but clean
D---I don't know, I wear a uniform at work and at home it's whatever is clean
E---Tattoos, enough said.
5 (New)---You’re the captain of a fishing boat, What do you wear on your head?
A---one of those white sailor hats
B---straw hat
C---a hat, nothing special, just something that will keep the sun from frying your brain.
E-- a captain’s hat. I’m the captain and I wear a captain’s hat; besides I like those bright gold swirls on the brim.
6 (New)--- How do you slice your sandwich?
A---In half, right down the middle
B--- In half on a diagonal
C---It depends - type of sandwich
D---It depends - type of bread
F--- I don’t slice my sandwich , I just gobble it down.
7---You've made the flight, 14 hours from now you'll be in London. You make your way back to 36E and discover you're seated in the middle of Abraham Lincoln High's annual senior class trip. What do you do?
A---Commit suicide right then and there, why put off the inevitable.
B---Grab your carry-on and head for the door
C---Sit quietly and focus on your breathing...you can do this Zen master.
D---Is this suppose to be a problem?
8---How do you feel about the color red?
B---Pain/Definitely Bad news
E---I'm not sure what I think
F---What does this have to do with non-reving? I don't get it.
9---Now lets think about a situation:
You've been stuck at the airport for 15 hours, during the long hours you've made friends with a lovely non-rev family of six who are going on their first family vacation in four years. In fact you've become so chummy with the family that little Ashley has shown you photos of her pet bunny Muff and told you how she is really looking forward to the "Disney Princess breakfast" the next day. The gate agent comes over to you and whispers that there are only six seats left on the next flight, the last flight of the day (isn't it always) and because you have a higher priorty you would bump one member of the family, she asks what do you want to do....
A---Gather your things, say a quick good-bye and head off for the plane. Sometimes you win sometimes you lose. Sometimes you make a flight and sometimes you’re waving goodbye at the gate, either way it’s all a part of non-reving.
B---You get on the plane, but feel bad about it. Fortunately a few drinks always make you feel better.
C---Give up your seat-- Besides you don’t actually have to be seated along the 50 yard line at a perfect viewing angle of 15 rows up, to enjoy a football game, you can see the game just fine laying on the sofa in front of the TV at home.
D---Get on the plane and eagerly wait to see which member of the family is left behind. After all you go catatonic when they ask "paper or plastic" at the supermarket.
Ok lets see how you stack up.![]()