I am a new AA employee. I previously worked for DL for 8 years and was spoiled by all the free travel. Now I must pay to non-rev on AA.
I am planning a trip to London in November and I am a bit confused (and shocked) by the prices that popped up on JetNet.
So if someone on this board has non-revved on AA to London (or anywhere else in Europe) please tell me if this is correct.
First class $490 Business class $378 Coach $265 !!!!!!!!!!!!!! (that is per person!)
That can't be right! I only work part-time and to pay for my husband and I in first class, I would go without paychecks for about 3 months! I don't want to fly coach to Europe, and for that coach price I could get a buddy pass from one of my old DL friends and most likely end up in Business class.
I would ask my co-workers this question, but I work at a small station and people don't seem to travel much. At those prices I can see why!